Discover the best way to take care of your mental health

mental health

What is Psychotherapy?

Psychotherapy refers to any action of service and psychological help that seeks to assess, diagnose and improve emotional reactions, behaviors and thought patterns. Psychotherapy aims to help us become aware of everything that escapes us and that can be hidden in our experience. Psychotherapy is also a good way to understand the life force that drives us, the meaning behind everything we do.

Psychotherapy seeks to help us overcome traumatic situations, to get to know ourselves, it allows us to learn to confront the problems that afflict us in an assertive way and helps us to answer questions such as why do we act the way we let’s act? Why do we think like this? How to keep a healthy mind?

Keep in mind that psychotherapy can only be performed by a trained and experienced professional. The psychologist, psychotherapist or psychiatrist who treats you must be someone who does not know you before the first consultation, because the person who listens to you must be impartial and have an objective view. Psychotherapy can be offered individually, to couples, to children, to families or to members of a group.

When to do sychotherapy

Myth #1

This is a fairly widespread myth. If going to psychotherapy is a free choice, we tend to think that only people with severe mental disorders need it.

The truth

Psychotherapy helps you look inward and understand yourself. You don’t have to have something negative happen in your life for you to see a therapist. Your psyche (your mind) is so complex and immense that there will always be room for catharsis.

Myth #2

This is an even more widespread myth. Telling your friends about your problems will always have a positive effect, it is necessary! And you are also lucky to be surrounded by people who listen to you. However, talking to a therapist has a different effect. Your friends and family already know you, so their suggestions will tend to be biased by their thoughts and feelings.

The truth

Psychologist, psychotherapist and psychiatrist are mental health professionals who have devoted their formative years to understanding human behavior and how to treat the human mind. This allows them to bring you their experience and solutions based on scientific evidence to support you in a process of change. A therapist will be able to advise you impartially, always seeking to protect your mental health.

When is it essential to do psychotherapy?

It is necessary to consult when there are warning signs or a suspicion of psychological disorders such as:


It is the responsibility of the psychologist, psychotherapist or psychiatrist to diagnose any of these and other psychological disorders. Diagnosis is essential so that the mental health professional of your choice can offer you a therapeutic treatment program with clear objectives and expected results.

Benefits of psychotherapy – why go to the psychologist or the psychotherapist?

Psychotherapy is good for your health. It is there to protect and improve your state of mental health.

Have a happy and healthy brain

Several studies have identified positive changes in the brains of people with mental disorders such as depression, panic disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, among other conditions, as a result of psychotherapy. In most cases, brain changes resulting from psychotherapy become similar to changes resulting from medication.

Find balance between mind and body

Psychotherapy has been shown to improve emotional state, behavior and is also linked to positive physical changes in the body. Benefits include a strengthened immune system, reduced risk of health problems, and increased personal satisfaction with one’s body perception.

Psychotherapy is a safe and confidential space in which prejudices do not exist. Therapy is a scenario of introspection and catharsis that is yours and yours alone. In fact, psychotherapy is effective when you honestly express your innermost thoughts, desires, frustrations, and emotions (or that no one else knows).

Types of psychotherapy

There are types of psychotherapy for all kinds of needs, therapeutic and medical goals. However, below are the most commonly used types of psychotherapy so that when choosing your therapist, you have an idea of ​​how psychotherapy sessions will be conducted and their goals.

Keep in mind that all of the psychotherapy approaches you will find below are applicable to individual therapy as well as family therapy, group therapy, child therapy, and couples therapy. Also be aware that most therapists these days offer the option of conducting psychotherapy online or in person.



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