CBD Oil and PTSD Anxiety and Detox

CBD Oil and PTSD

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a compound derived from the cannabis plant. Currently, Cannabidiol, or CBD, is being studied as a possible treatment for an increasing range of ailments and medical issues, including mental health issues. There is some evidence that CBD can assist in modulating emotions such as anxiety which has sparked interest in its potential to help with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). As per the research and anecdote, it may reduce and control symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

People frequently associate Post post-traumatic stress Disorder (PTSD) with veterans. The only ‘requirement’ for someone to develop PTSD is exposure to a distressing event. While our armed forces are more likely than others to suffer PTSD, it is not limited to Veterans. PTSD is a long-term mental health disease that can develop after a stressful experience, according to Frontiers in Neuroscience. Some people may have difficulty sleeping, cannot help but relive the event frequently, and suffer from sadness and anxiety as a result. Despite the fact that there are various treatments for PTSD, there is growing evidence that CBD may help people manage their symptoms. In this post, we will go over to understand whether CBD can help people facing PTSD issues before one buy CBD products.

Talked about symptoms associated with PTSD

PTSD can occur as a result of any stressful incident or condition, although it is more common in war veterans. It can create symptoms that are so severe that you may be unable to function properly. You could face the following changes:

  • Have recurring flashbacks to the distressing event. These can be so vivid that your heart will race or you will break out in a cold sweat.
  • Avoid places and things that remind you of the occurrence, or you may have difficulty talking about it.
  • Are you easily startled, or do you feel like you’re always on guard? Do you have difficulties regulating your anger?
  • Having difficulty sleeping and concentrating

What does the research say?

One research states that consuming premium quality cbd products soon following a stressful experience may make it more difficult for the brain to build the memories that may later develop and produce PTSD symptoms.

According to a 2016 study, medicines that work on the endocannabinoid system may minimize the symptoms that a person with PTSD feels after a memory extinction operation. This is because the endocannabinoid system, which includes CBD receptors, can alter anxiety and memory, both of which are important variables in PTSD. Aversive memory extinction is a therapy method in which a person, with the help of a therapist, experiences events comparable to those that caused their PTSD symptoms, but without the traumatic stimuli.

Animal studies have indicated that CBD can reduce anxiety and fear-related behaviours, which can lead to PTSD symptoms. However, very little study has been conducted into how CBD affects people suffering from PTSD.

Researchers are still puzzled as to why CBD works as a PTSD treatment. However, according to Frontiers in Neuroscience, CBD may have an effect on the brain’s amygdala and hippocampus. According to the report, patients with PTSD have an overactive amygdala, which may worsen symptoms. CBD may stimulate the hippocampus and reduce amygdala activation. Medical research states that CBD may help alleviate symptoms associated with PTSD. However, experts believe that more research into its medicinal uses, effectiveness, and safety is required before one decides to buy CBD products.

Does it mean that cannabis be used to treat PTSD?

In many circumstances, yes. According to observational research and anecdotal data, cannabis, including CBD and THC, may aid people with PTSD symptoms.

According to research, we have an inherent system called the Endocannabinoid system that aids in the control of mood, anxiety, and the extinction of fear learning. Cannabinoids are used by the endocannabinoid system to assist in balancing and managing emotions.

One valid and plausible cause of PTSD is an issue with Anandamide, one of our bodies’ own intrinsic cannabinoids (endocannabinoids). Anandamide is also known as the bliss molecule due to its ability to improve the feel-good factor. External cannabinoids, in this example from cannabis, can help stimulate the same receptors as Anandamide, resulting in less fear and anxiety, improved mood, and relief from hyper-arousal, hyper-stimulation, and intrusive memories.

Is CBD Safe for PTSD Treatment?

According to a World Health Organisation report, CBD is usually safe and non-addictive, with a limited potential for abuse. The FDA does not regulate CBD products other than the medicine approved to treat seizures. This means that no health claims have been proven, and there is no guarantee that any specific CBD product is safe or contains what it claims to contain. If you decide to take CBD, remember to keep this in mind:

The amount of CBD mentioned on the label of the product you are using may not be accurate.

However, it’s possible that the CBD landscape will shift soon. The FDA is collaborating with lawmakers to develop a new regulatory framework for CBD products. Till then, you need to choose a brand that offers COA and is transparent about the ingredients they have added to their product. Preferably, choose one that gives online medical consultations as this means they trust their quality enough to provide assistance to their customers. Hempstrol is one such brand in India that not only offers COA but also provides medical consultation.

What Are the Potential CBD Side Effects?

The majority of what we know about the potential negative effects of CBD products comes from animal studies and clinical trials of the FDA-approved anti-seizure medicine. They are as follows:

  • Sleepiness
  • Appetite suppression
  • Diarrhea
  • irritability and other mood swings
  • Damage to the liver

If you’re being treated for PTSD or another health issue, you should consult with your doctor before using a CBD product.



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